Miscellaneous » Academics » CSF


The EUHS Chapter was established in 1925. It is one of the oldest in the state.


CSF, or California Scholastic Federation, is for the academically motivated student.  This is the organization that awards the gold honor cords and gold diploma seals at graduation to its lifetime members.  Students must complete an application for each semester for which they are eligible; membership is not automatic. Applications are due on or before Sept 1 and Feb 15 of each semester for the prior semester’s grades.  Students interested in CSF should contact the advisor, Mr. Linman, for enrollment information.

The entrance qualifications for CSF are rigorous.  A total of 10 CSF points (not grade points) must be earned 4 out of 6 semesters during the 10th, 11th, and 12th grade years to become a life member.  One of the semesters must be at least one from senior year.   If you also qualify both semesters of your 9th grade year, you will be a 100% life member.    In regular courses an “A” counts as 3 points and a “B” as 1 point.  In Honors and AP courses a “B” receives 2 points.   A “D” or an “F” in any subject disqualifies a student from CSF membership for the semester.   Seven of the 10 points must be earned from List I or List II. The other three may come from List III.  Not all classes qualify for CSF points.  Students should refer to the current student handbook for the complete listing of course point totals.


The following is the CSF application for you to use.